An ancient electronic and pure digital sound production technology blog.

Donnerstag, 18. März 2010

SchlimmPad Docs

Hi, here comes the first simple documentation of the layout and functions.

Dienstag, 9. März 2010

My Launchpad Sequencer - Release often, release early

Well, far from beeing finished its time to release an "in development" version of my Novation Launchpad sequencer. Its a standalone Java Midi Sequencer that makes exclusive use of the Launchpad. Watch the video of my former post and you will get a clue of its oddity.
Hmm... documentation.. i apologize coz there isnt any at the moment...  but i´m brainstorming hard on creating one...

The Source
The Binary

Montag, 8. März 2010

Movin the gear - Day 1.

Started relocation of my little gear collection into a bigger room. Codename "reclaim the Waeschezimmer".
Day 1: messing around with desk layout and room feng shui. No wires yet.



About me

Mein Bild
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
A sound, synth and programming guy.